Communigate Pro With Piler
03 Mar 2021 - sj, tags: product
Piler enterprise supports Communigate Pro. The below setup has been tested with Communigate Pro 6.3.5.
The setup procedure is pretty simple. The first step is to create a new rule in “Settings” / “Mail” / “Rules” menu, then click on the “Add rule” button.
Then we need to edit the rule. In the below example we use as the archive’s address. Click on the “Update” button.
Finally we need to fix the used TLS version. By default CG Pro uses v1.0, which is pretty outdated, and prevents using STARTTLS on piler’s side. So we are going to upgrade it to v1.2.
Go to “Settings” / “Mail” / “SMTP” / “Sending” menu, locate “Send Encrypted (SSL/TLS)” section and set the TLS version to “TLSv1.2”, then click “Update” button.
The logs on CG Pro side for an SMTP transaction including mirroring the email to the archive address
20:06:51.536 2 SMTPI-000001([]) [10003] received, 28820 bytes
20:06:51.536 2 QUEUE([10003]) from <>, 28820 bytes (<>)
20:06:51.538 2 ENQUEUER-000001([10003]) [10003] rule(archive) Mirror -> [10004]
20:06:51.538 2 QUEUE([10003]) enqueued
20:06:51.538 2 QUEUE([10004]) from <>, 29097 bytes (<>)
20:06:51.539 2 QUEUE([10004]) enqueued
20:06:51.553 2 MAILBOX(jerry/INBOX) {1} appended [1] @0: 69+28678 bytes
20:06:51.553 2 MAILBOX(jerry/INBOX) [10003] stored as {1}
20:06:51.553 2 ACCOUNT(jerry) [10003] delivered
20:06:51.553 2 DEQUEUER [10003] LOCAL(jerry)<> delivered: Delivered to the user mailbox
20:06:51.553 2 QUEUE([10003]) deleted
20:06:51.556 2 TLS-000001 created(TLSv1.2,ECDHE_AES256_SHA) -> []:25 for SMTP-000001
20:06:51.590 2 SMTP-000001( [10004] sent encrypted []:41858 -> []:25, got:250 OK <IXIMB2IRHVLRDGD7>
20:06:51.590 2 DEQUEUER [10004] SMTP( relayed: relayed via
20:06:51.590 2 QUEUE([10004]) deleted
20:06:51.590 2 TLS-000001 closed by SMTP-000001
20:08:01.400 2 TLS-000001 released