piler enterprise blog

  • Mailcow Support

    21 Jun 2024

    Mailcow is a nice integrated email bundle. Piler 1.8.3 supports authenticating against mailcow. Follow the below steps to enable.

  • Importing Legacy Emails From O365

    20 Jun 2024

    Microsoft 365 (formerly office365) is a popular email service provider. It’s often a requirement to archive the legacy emails already in o365.

  • Single Sign On With Pingidentity

    25 May 2024

    In this article we’ll discuss how to use SSO authentication against PingIdentity.

  • Saml 2.0 Authentication With Keycloak

    24 May 2024

    In this article we’ll discuss how to authenticate users against a SAML 2.0 SSO service. We’ll use Keycloak in this example as the SAML 2 provider.

  • Exporting Emails

    08 May 2024

    It’s often a requirement to retrieve a huge number of emails from the archive. The export feature allows you to do that in an asynchronous way.

  • Archiving At Scale

    08 May 2024

    Large organizations with several thousands of employees are challenged to archive several hundreds of TBs of data or even more. In this post we’ll setup a distributed environment where the load is spread among several nodes.

  • Protecting Piler With A Waf

    31 Mar 2024

    If you use traefik for piler to provide a https certificate, then you are just minutes away to protect piler with a Web Application Firewall (WAF).

  • Redact Feature

    05 Mar 2024

    The upcoming release of 1.8.1 introduces the redact feature. It allows you to replace certain words or phrases with a predefined text (“!REDACTEDTEXT!”).

  • Permission Profiles

    01 Feb 2024

    The upcoming release of 1.8.1 introduces the permission profiles feature. It allows you to fine tune what users are able to do in the archive.

  • Caution External Email

    01 Feb 2024

    The Exchange OWA, Google mail and others have a nice feature of warning you if the email has come from outside of the company. In that case they display a warning or label the email that “Dear user, please be careful with this email”.


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